What does fearless actually mean!

Dr. Saurabh Gupta
4 min readFeb 27, 2023


Fearless is a comparative aspect.

Fear of death outweighs every other fear.
Consider these to get confirmed.
1. Fear of DEATH > Fear of spiders
2. Fear of DEATH > Fear of moths
3. Fear of DEATH > Fear of lizards
4. Fear of DEATH > Fear of other Reptiles
5. Fear of DEATH > Fear of lion/tiger/other lethal carnivore.
6. Fear of DEATH > Fear of COVID
7. Fear of DEATH > Fear of making mistakes.
8. Fear of DEATH > Fear of limb amputation.
9. Fear of DEATH > Fear of depression.
10. Fear of DEATH > Fear of losing in life.
11. Fear of DEATH > Fear of losing someone.
12. Fear of DEATH > Fear of not successful.
13. Fear of DEATH > Fear of smashed in a game of ‘Jallikattu’
14. Fear of DEATH > Fear of aspiration while scuba diving
15. Fear of DEATH > Fear of heart failure while running a 100 meter sprint.
16. Fear of DEATH > Fear of parachute not opening while sky diving
17. Fear of DEATH > Fear of falling down while horse riding
18. Fear of DEATH > Fear of your smash not landing on the TT table
19. Fear of DEATH > Fear of being electrocuted while working in elect. dept.
20. Fear of DEATH > Fear of …. This list never ends.

Death is the last resort of every living creature on the earth. It is inevitable. If anything is destined to definitely happen, it is death. You die today, it doesn’t matter. You die tomorrow, it doesn’t matter. You die after 60 years, it doesn’t matter. What matters at last is that you are going to die. And I know you are well aware about this fact that, one who fears death is a fool.

When we know that the only truth that exists is ‘DEATH’, and the ‘fear of death’ is the greatest fear, why don’t we conquer it, because we know it will happen definitely, regardless of whatever possible input we can give to deny death.

Birth to death time line v/s Contribution to society of fearless and fearful people.

I want you to be clear in mind that ‘ Conquering death’ and ‘Conquering the Fear of death’ are two totally different concepts. Being ‘fearless’ has nothing to do with ‘Conquering death’.


  1. “A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”- Albert Einstein. How would a scientist survive if he a has a fear of making mistakes? Scientists are meant to create (invent) or discover. Nothing is successful in first attempt unless you are god. If these people want to create new things, they need to make mistakes and for that they need to know the importance of being fearless. Overcoming the fear of getting failed, overcoming the fear of accepting mistakes, overcoming the fear of disapproval of other people involved, these are the pre-requisites. Had Edison been successful, if he wasn’t open to accept the 1000 failures. He was an epitome of fearlessness.
    So, discoveries or inventions are a contribution of fearless people to the human society.
  2. Leadership:
    Any true leader, whose name is registered in the history wouldn’t have made it if they weren’t fearless. Name any and you have to agree with this. Take for example Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, Angela Merkel, Napoleon Bonaparte. Angela Merkel had been a scientist and a great German Chancellor. Had it been possible if she was not fearless.
    Malala Yousafzai, Pakistani activist who fought for female education has won Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 doesn’t need any introduction.
  3. Hope
    Fearless people are the hope givers. Be it anyone but who is fearless is seen as positive source of energy from whom arises a great amount of hope- hope to live, hope to be nice, hope to help and receive help, hope to not die, hope to be happy.
    ( INSERT IMAGE — hope )

Face the fear is the first step.

My death addressal :

Hey death,
I don’t fear you any more. I know you are coming and and I know you will but I have a greater purpose to fulfill and you cannot tear me down. I know you are damn smart, you have your own ways to spread the negativity but you don’t know me. I will fight with you till my last breath. I would never give you the privilege to enjoy overpowering me. On the last day of my existence, my status of satisfaction will be far more than yours. You are nobody in front of my being. Even if it happens that I don’t strive for long, you still won’t win. Why should I fear of you, you should fear of me. I have held me head high, I have had my aspirations on top. My existence is beyond your control. Try me out.



Dr. Saurabh Gupta
Dr. Saurabh Gupta

Written by Dr. Saurabh Gupta

On a mission to 'making things Salient'.

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