Stop sharing links of motivational videos to your friends/family.
Motivation has a feature, that it comes to those who require it the most. There is a changed definition of ‘How to get successful’ nowadays. The most common definition most motivational writes/ speakers talk about is keeping rhythm/ making atomic habits/ doing things daily at a constant or increased pace. Lets not get deep into the success thing. Today our topic of discussion is ‘Motivation’.
You open YouTube, some video from a motivational speaker pops up on the screen and you click on the thumbnail. It is a great video and has pricked to the bottom of your heart. You are so jaw struck that you click on the share link, choose the whatsapp icon and simply share it to the family members/ friends.
Why I wrote stop sharing links of motivational videos to your friends/family is because everyone has their own share of odds. No one person in this entire worlds has life similar to yours. Everyone has different situations and conditions in which they are stiving and fighting. Everyone needs to be successful and for that they need motivation to work. So if situation is different, conditions are different how can you expect that the motivation you are getting from a certain video on ‘YouTube’, same motivation will strike them too.
Your primary purpose might be to helpful to them. It might be a case that you yourself are not motivated but feel that it might be for some other person. But your primary helpful purpose might turn into a primary demotivating action.
It is better to show them just one thing. Let me tell you my case. I am a doctor and my sister is a software engineer. I had been a torture to her sometimes because of the same reason that I tried to motivate her in an unusual way. She requires other type of feeling and I give her other type of it. It is incomprehensible for her. So the cycle I am trying to push her into gets reverse and runs anticlockwise. It was not in my hands that time as I was not as much thoughtful person as I am now.
So, the only one thing in your hands is to show them that you can achieve anything just by being calm, finding appropriate motivation yourself, working accordingly, observing the problems midway, finding solutions, refining your skills everyday.
As it is rightly said in the book ’13 steps to bloody good luck’, there is no such thing as bloody good luck in normal life. You can only increase the chances of winning by increasing the chances of attempts. Only 1% is the bloody good luck. Other 99% is in your hands and it is based on your number of attempts.
There is no need to epitomize yourself, rather epitomize your mindset. The mindset of winning.