She reads the summary of every movie before watching it.
It’s almost 5 years that we are in relationship. She is a very good girl, so smart yet childish. This is not a session of her description. In these five years I have never liked the fact that she reads the summary of every movie before watching. Every time we go to theatre or spend weekends together to watch movies, she has a habit of googling the summary of each and every movie or web-series. And truly speaking, it kind of piss me off. And I get angry on her. But recently I was introspecting all the reasons of me getting angry or my changing behavior and I found out this one reason to be there on the list.
Once I am onto something, I have to complete it. So I thought upon it. She is kind of a ‘Topper’. She topped her class 12th examinations at her district. She had always been a topper at her school. She studied at ‘Allen’ Coaching institute after her 12th class where she was selected to study at a most prestigious batch and moreover she earned ‘14’ silver medals which is in itself a landmark of excellence. Students were mad about these kind of things and she was unaware of her achievements. And how she managed to do all of this in no time ?
This Trait of topper — ‘To analyze the situation before’, gives them the arial view of it. I have told this in one of my videos too. The summary is understood as an arial view where you just understand the basic concept, ignoring all the details and minor concepts. And this has to be done in no time. Let me take certain examples :
1. A movie on an average if 2 hours duration, So reading the summary or basic idea would take only 3–4 minutes.
2. While reading a chapter, it would take you around 3–4 hours to completely understand the concepts and practice the questions on it. But before starting you have to analyze the chapter in few minutes in which you would see what the writer/author has tried to explain, what are the examples he/she has used, how long is the chapter.
3. Say, you are an army chief and there is a situation in which you have to strike to enemies base. The must prerequisite is understanding the exact location of the enemy base, locating weak points, estimating most probably number of enemies at the base and that is what is called as an summary in practical life situation or to be precise — ‘an arial view’ in this case.
While learning something, there are two main threads that has to be understood. One is understanding the basic concept and the other is the minor details.
Time has to be saved
In order to save time, you have to go in an order. Jumping directly to understand the minor details will definitely waste your time because you won’t remember it for too long as the basic idea is lacking. This will result in you going through that stuff all over again with that much time and with that much concentration but with less interest and less retention due to a feeling that you know about it but in reality, you don’t. Wastage of time, efforts, confidence, and growth.
So move in an order. Start with the basic idea. Just go through the stuff for a few minutes to look upon the thought of the author/creator. No need to cram anything in that time. Ignore the minor details with will.
Give it a break, say a few days. Don’t touch the stuff. Recall in you mind what was it all about. And believe me you will definitely recall because stories are always remembered.
Now it’s the time to go through the minor details. Read it thoroughly. And this a method I have observed keenly in the successful people, yet to be applied by me.
Rock and Roll.