Living v/s non living. Implanting the soul in the Non living by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Recently in India, Prime minister Shri Narendra Modi took part in the pran pratishtha of the Idol of ‘Bhagwan Shri Ram’. Before doing so, he fasted for 11 days and only consumed coconut water to detoxify his body of all the negatives. He even slept on the floor on just a half an inch of cloth also called as ‘dari’ and covering himself up with a blanket, to maintain ‘ion’ balance of body. Ground acts as a zero potential and neutralises the body. Considering his age on 22nd January 2024, it is magnificent to note his contribution for the serenity.
Pran pratistha:
According to my understanding, it is bringing consciousness to a non living structure with some rituals or in other terms it can be understood as making a non living structure a constant source of positive energy.
Though it is beyond the reach of science to explain the process, it is unbelievable to see great scientists, philosophers, teachers to be involved in the process. It is speculated that even the famous Physics professor H.C. Verma attended the Pran Pratistha or he went to the temple just after.
The consciousness in our body:
Ever wondered what makes us different from the non livings and from the person who has just died. Why is a dead body dead and not ‘us’ who are looking at it? We define a dead person as who has stopped breathing, their heart functions have stopped, their metabolism is almost nil, not talking, not listening, and not reacting to external stimulus.
But why is it so that if the heart is functioning, and they are breathing, they are alive? Why do only alive people react? Why do only alive people talk? Why doesn’t a dead person listen and talk back!
It is understood commonly as ‘Soul’. We name it simply like that. But do we really know what it is!?
There is a theory for the world and a truth for the Buddhist Monks, that Buddhist monks meditate for a very long time in ‘sukhasana’ and with a special technique they can store all their ‘pran’ in their head. Eventually, their body mummifies. It is considered that the brain remains active for about 1000 years but their body becomes dead and mummifies.
Scientists have found such a mummified body of a monk. Although it is beyond science to explain the process, present day monks consider it to be true.
If it is true, then what is that thing that they store in their head just like that? Can it be now called a soul. Well the answers are not that simple. Even I don’t know.
Some questions to which I don’t have answers to but they tease me time and again.
- Have you ever wondered about an invisible bond between you and your loved ones? Why is it so?
- Has your mom ever called you suddenly to ask you whereabouts and health because she saw a bad dream? Why?
- Ever saw something in a dream and watch it comes to reality after that? Why?
- Why does manifestation work most of the time? How come a scientifically non proven thing can be so evident?
Why are idols of famous temples multiple centuries old but we humans die so soon?
See we very well know that what is alive will die one day. Nothing is eternal. The Life span of humans is a max of 100–120 years. The average is around 70–80 years.
The root of life span is related to stability majorly and other factors on a small scale. For evidence consider a tortoise and a rabbit. The former has a span of 80–150 years and the latter has a span of 8–12 years. Do you see the major difference.
Every creature who is stable physically and mentally lives a longer life than who is not.
Why do doctors say not to worry too much and to exercise on a regular basis?
The body replenishes in 11 to 12 months. The elements of earth present in you won’t be there after a year. Any disease can be removed with simple techniques according to ancient/classical Ayurveda.
Worrying/ fearing is the most common method to get you mentally unstable. Worrying of the past and fearing the future doesn’t help you at all, rather they occupy your mind, dispel you from reality, and decrease your health in every way possible.
Whereas people who remain happy, are more calm in all dimensions. Calmness enhances cognitive ability and decision ability. Cognition improves consciousness towards all the activities going around. Consciousness takes your analysis to another level.
And thus calm people are the ones who take advantage of the situations to be ahead in life and win every time from everyone. This winning is not about winning an argument. This winning is about being right and doing the right things for the benefits of self and all.
Once you make a habit of being content in all situations, worry goes far away.
As Julian said in ‘The monk who sold his Ferrari’, “you cannot afford even a single negative thought.”
Back to the idols’ question again!
We have observed some people who are frantic even at small tasks and cannot handle the situations. They get confused a lot in their brain and that is reflected in their physical activities.
Whereas we have observed some people who are so calm that they can handle any type of situation and they have the capability to minimise the risks.
The mental calmness brings them peace and the mental instability brings the first group despair all the time.
Let’s say ‘pran pratishtha’ is true. I am not telling you to imagine it. I am telling you to consider it since the ‘why and hows’ is not scientifically proven till now. Let’s say it is true. That by certain rituals ‘pran’/ consciousness can be inserted into idols. But since the basics of it are non living, it cannot physically move, and since it cannot physically move, it is consuming no energy and all the energy that is inserted into it, remains stored for a very-very long time. It radiates this energy. This gives answers to why we feel a positive ‘aura’ in temples.
Arti/ Fire : Acting complimentary to idols.
A small bulb of cotton dipped in Ghee or oil with one end like that of a candle is lit everyday at two times in Temples, and in certain Indian households as well. The ritual is called ‘Arti’. The lighted lamp is rotated clockwise with respect to the person performing it and anticlockwise with respect to the idol. It is done to remove the evil and bad spells from the idol. Like fire is used by scientists to purify the impure, fire is used in temples to remove the impurities, evils and bad spells.
‘Havan’ is another form of fire to purify a place.
The daily performance of ‘Arti’ at temples renders the idol with pure consciousness. And thus it acts complementarily.
What can we learn from this?
It is the mental stability that is most important for us. And this is the start of most of the good activities.
The mind remains healthy by being stable and the body remains healthy by moving. Never confuse stability with laziness. I hope you are well aware of the difference between the two. Laziness is another kind of product of mental instability only.
Why do Buddhist monks live longer?
You are aware of the fact that they choose to live in hilly areas. They have to walk miles daily on their feet and remain away from the Worldly chaos by being there at hills and performing meditation. If you have ever travelled to a monastery, you must have observed they are quiet like water. They don’t speak louder. They are expressionless. No lines of tension on their forehead can ever be seen. Their forehead shines bright. It is not that they don’t do regular work, they perform all sorts of activities. Small kids even play football. They are famous for defence techniques.
Though it is true, Buddhism cannot be considered above all. Every religion has its own merits and demerits.
Widely noticing, they are mentally stable, physically fit, and eat healthy; natural food.