Ecstatically healthy. Part 1.
Although I am an allopathic doctor, first I am an Indian. And Indians have their roots fixed to the Ayurvedic system of Medicine.
Ayurveda’s brief history:
Started by Guru Charak. It deals with logical explanations of diseases, with deep knowledge of plant based medicines in their pure forms and surgical interventions where ever necessary. The Library of Ayurveda has grown over the ages.
In this series of articles I try to re-establish the emphasis on Ayurveda’s beholding powers to treat diseases by natural ways. And I do that by providing you with enough proof to support.
Everything apart, one must keep in mind to always refer to Allopathy/Modern in case of emergencies.
I am not an expert of Ayurveda, but I bring to your notice the most basic aspects of the Classical Indian system of Ayurveda medicine by citing examples with proof to my understanding.
Any suggestions and feedback from your side are always welcome.
This article is about increasing Oxygen delivery to your brain, and that too naturally, and that too while sleeping.
Why do we need a constant and abundant supply of oxygen delivery to the brain?
- The brain and spinal cord are the centre of all the activities of the body. Be it voluntary actions or be it involuntary processes occurring inside your body like respiration, digestion, blood circulation, excretion, etc.
- The brain is never asleep, it just slows down during sleep. Like, you see your dreams, vivid imaginations occur, respiration goes on, memory gets stronger, neural connections are built, etc. For all these processes to go on smoothly, you need an abundant supply of oxygen while sleeping.
With an ever increasing modernization, we are getting away from being near to nature. We sleep in closed small spaces, where there is no supply of fresh air. The partial pressure of oxygen in the room’s air decreases over hours of sleep and eventually lowers to a great extent. Since there is less oxygen available in the surrounding air, less enters the body, and less is utilised by the brain, thus, hampering the basic brain processes occurring during sleep which normally function to keep the basic body functions going.
Allopathy medicine enters the room when there is sufficient permanent damage to the brain and body. It is explained as hypoxic hypoxia and in certain severe cases it leads to ischemia. Though these seem to be classical medical terms, they are very simple to understand.
Elders are more prone to these types of injuries.
This doesn’t mean, young and adults are free from the risk. The damage may occur at any age.
Prevention is better than cure.
As we know, Ayurvedic science deals with creating a healthy body and a healthy mind. Would it be a smart move to wait and watch the evil setting in?
Obviously, we all desire ecstatic health. We all want our body working in a perfectly healthy condition and that we remain away from any sort of diseases and ailments.
So, yes prevention is better than cure.
What should be done, according to Ayurveda. Plus the Scientific proof.
Our cells have cell membranes, which have lipids as a major component. In various parts of the body, lipids occur as cholesterol (if in the right amount, it is called as good cholesterol), and it is very much required for the good health of the body.
Oxygen as a molecule is lipophilic (means it has a high affinity for lipids). Understanding it directly, since oxygen is a lipophilic molecule, it can cross cell membranes by diffusion and if the lipids are present in the body in the right amount, oxygen flow is maintained up to the mark.
The other fact is that we have a sedentary lifestyle. If we increase the lipid intake in the form of fats, that can lead to severe side effects most common being obesity, cardiovascular risks, stroke, etc.
Thankfully, Ayurveda comes to the rescue. It says you can naturally increase the uptake of oxygen.
Ayurveda tells us to get Indian cow’s (desi cow/ Gir cow) ghee in the pure form. If it is winter, the Ghee might freeze as its freezing point is quite less. The freezing point for such liquids are called solidifying points and for ghee its value is 15°C to 28°C. Get one fourth of a tea spoon, melt it down, put two drops in each nostril before going to bed at night. The drops will slide down through the air passage creating a very thin covering over the lumen. Lipid content increases over the surface of the lumen and thus oxygen absorption increases.
Follow this simple, easy technique for a month and see the changes. You will definitely feel the difference. I can certainly say this because I have tried this technique on myself and my mother for a month. We both have seen the positive.
Reference :
- U.S. govt health website’s article which proves the nature of oxygen molecules and the cholesterol effect on it.,behavior%20as%20shown%20in%20Figs.
- Charak Samhita. An ayurvedic scripture.